
Digital Library NAES of Ukraine
Main publications

  1. The problems of education informatization
  2. Modeling of interactive computer systems project management

  1. The integration Ukraine education system in world educational and the project approach as an effective instrument of its implementation
  2. Project approach and distance learning in the training of management personnel

  1. Methodical systems of modern information and educational technology
  2. Theoretical and methodological basis for the creation and development of modern technologies and e-learning

  1. Theoretical and methodological basis of modelling educational environment of modern education system
  2. The structure of the topical areas (subjects) researches of Distance Studies Vocational Education
  3. 7. Assessment system certification of professional competency

  1.  Educational environment of modern education system
  2.  Model of the interactive developmental system

  1. The structure of actual directions of research problems of distance professional education
Development of Distance professional education (DPO) primarily needs a broad range of scientific research and developments related to the solution of the full range of psychological, educational, computer and technological, organizational, managerial, financial, economic and regulatory issues that prospective but it is still not very widespread learning.

  1. Distance education: relevance, features and principles, ways of development and scope of application

The paper presents the relevance, features, principles, ways of development and scope of application for distance education

  1. Contemporary three-dimensional visualization system: comparative analysis
This article describes features of modern 3D rendering engines. Commercial and non-commercial engines are compared. Non-commercial open source engines appear to be an optimal solution for specialized educational 3Dsoftware.

  1. The study of the transformation of the inversion based research approach in teaching using packet DG
The paper considers the method of the use of computer teaching systems, built on research approach to education, in educational process.

  1. Theoretical and methodological basis of modeling learning environment of modern educational systems
The paper deals with theoretical and methodological grounds for modeling of educational medium of modern pedagogic systems, taking into account the use of informational-communicative technologies in teaching and educational process.

  1. The theoretical and methodological grounds for modeling of educational environment of modern pedagogic systems
The article deals with theoretical and methodological grounds for modeling of educational environment of modern pedagogic systems, taking into account the use of informationalcommunicative technologies in teaching and educational process.

  1. Key factors and modern instruments of system of education development
In the article the processes of integration and democratization of the systems of education and their value, both for the countries of Europe and for Ukraine, the process of integration of education system of Ukraine into European and world educational space are examined. Description of modern informative society and the role of information and communication technologies in informatization of education directed to the increasing of the quality of education is determined.

  1. Models of the open education organizational systems: Monograph.

Objective processes of society development which means globalization and acceleration of social development world processes, society transformation to the informative stage of its development, democratization of social relations, integration of social systems etc., in particular those realizing approaches to provide the gradual and steady growth of welfare and spirituality of people, increasing the level of their protection from possible social, technogenic and natural disasters. These processes are changing the world where we live in continuously and strikingly. Nowadays, the development of technique and leading technologies in social life is being changed faster than even one generation people life-span. At the same time, these objective processes have created new pivoting social problems in the sphere of science, education, health, childhood, young generation and family, unemployment and employment, economic, ecology, demography, moral and ethic, defense and safety etc.
The modern stage of society development is characterized by substantial expansion of scales and deepening of science investigation conducted practically in all spheres of society, at all levels. On this basis, existing knowledge is being developing, high technologies and new fields of knowledge are being appeared (for example, nano- and biotechnology, space technologies, technologies of artificial intellect, educational technologies, as well as technologies in the spheres of health protection and agriculture, information and ICT), new automatic high-intelligent and highly productive automated means of activity are being created. New materials, alternative more dangerous ecologically sources and transformers of different types of energy, their experimental tests, industrial production and wide application are being carried out.
Economic systems are being developed in the sphere of labor-markets, capitals, goods and services, increasing competition. The socio-economic techniques and technologies management systems are being improved. As a result, the productivity of production has raised, facilities and culture of social labor, methods of people life activity are being changed quickly.
Social development features mentioned above have resulted in the necessity of mechanisms, structures and scales of social activity changes. They became the reason for information content producing and circulating in the society, for its substantial increase, perceptible dynamism and complication of socio-economic, scientific, technical processes. ICT appearance, fast-moving development of their means and technology, in particular digital and fiber optic technologies, their wide introduction into all spheres of social life has accelerated the integration and communication processes, provided new more productive possibilities of electronic information processing. These technologies move us forward on the way to an informative society and future knowledge society.
At present-day reality people, as determining constituents of the socio technique systems, have succeed after these changes and to react on them adequately. It predetermines the necessity of permanent (in the rate of the real changes) rethinking of already known and receiving of new knowledge about a man, society and nature. It is foreseen that the members of society have to take this knowledge and get the contemporary life-skills. So, it is determined that human being has to learn along his life and the education system has to give him this opportunity.
Consequently, objectivity of modern world development predetermines such contradiction - the society, from one side, produces and will in future produce new requirements to the high-quality indexes of different educational levels of their members. From the other side, for the members of society there will be new and new necessities in relation to the educational base of the personality development and accordance to the requirements of society. The decision of this contradiction is in the society members’ education level promotion which predetermines the necessity of adequate development of the education system - increasing of availability of education, expansion of spectrum and improvement of quality of educational services which it gives.
Providing the aims of education foresees the gradual and continuous improvement of education system and structure, realization of modern paradigms, ideas, approaches and principles, which it confesses, proclaims, and which reproduces at its development. One of these modern educational paradigms is the paradigm of personal centralism, which represents and asserts the humanitarian aspect of education in practice.
This paradigm is aimed at all-round man’s personality development (taking into account its individual abilities, inclinations and possibilities, general and professional educational intentions etc.), on the forming of his readiness to socialization in society. Another modern educational paradigms foresees such structure of education system, which give the possibility to get professional education, improving gradually and consistently, updating his professional qualification, professional competence along all his life in accordance with the personal tastes and inclinations and socio-economic society challenges.
Necessity of reacting on man’s needs, society challenges asserts in society a new educational paradigm, which consists in the necessity of providing of equal access to high- quality education for all those, who must study, has a desire, necessity to study along his life and has possibilities to aim this purpose. Consequently, a new educational paradigm became the education system reaction on the objective processes of society development challenges and appearance of new necessities for those, who studies (plan to study). It represents “integrate in it” preliminary mentioned, builds the hypothetical portrait of education - an open education in which a school is examined as a system and educational establishment of free man becoming and development. Exactly an open education is aimed at human rights realizing on equal access to quality education at the modern stage of society development. Basing on the paradigm the system of education modern aims is formed. It presuppose the proper development of the pedagogical systems (foremost, up-dating the content of education, introduction of new pedagogical technologies which must be used in the opened educational process), and also the development of technologies open education management at all levels.
The realization of new educational paradigm in the education system of Ukraine can be well-to-do due to gradual system introduction into its different subsystems of open education principles. It responded to modern world progress of the educational systems approaches, provides an organic integration of the national education system in world education environment.
The most considerable approach is that opens new possibilities for those, who studies or plan to study. The main demonstration of this approach result is a possibility not only more adequately and rationally, flexibly and dynamically than in the traditional education system to provide realization of individual necessities of man, to assist the harmonious development of personality, but also flexibly in time and in space to promote the human competence in different directions of training and in different vital situations both in the personal society interests.
This approach allows extending horizons and facilities spectrum and technologies for man’s self-education, self-determination, self-affirmation and self-perfection, giving him a possibility to find the place in modern society, to get a job, to provide at the labor market competition, so to be ready to social useful activity. It foresees that a man learns how to study, can and wishes to study along his life.
Giving certain “freedoms” to students, teachers, the education managers in relation to realization an educational and organizational activity by them, the open education systems, however, are the guided systems, development of which is infuriating the aims of education on the certain stages of their development. That is why all stages of guided systems management development process are corresponded to the open education: planning of development trajectory (through determination of the desired system state in the set or select moment of time in the future is a term or planning horizon) and planned current statuses of the system (in the certain, preliminary set moments of time of, which lie within the limits of the planned horizon); analysis of the system process development, its character (on the basis of determination of correlation of its planned and current statuses); acceptance and realization of administrative decisions (in relation to bringing of current statuses of the system to conform with planned).
With the aim of practical realization of open education ideas, appropriate educational systems are created. The main problems of their creation and introduction into the educational practice are computer-technological, organizationally administrative, psychological-pedagogical, financial-economic and regulatory problems. Along with the awareness of necessity of each of these complex problems and balanced decision, it follows to underline and select a psychological-pedagogical problem, as, a theoretical and practical decision of which today is the most difficult task, not enough determined and resolved. This problem is in the determination of education quality providing. Our time it is the most considerable “restrainer” of open education principles wide introduction, e-distance education technologies into the educational practice (foremost, in training, retraining and in- plant of adults training). This problem decision even on the initial stage of the open education creation is not one moment or short lasting action realization of which depends on , for example, existence of financial resources (today the decision of computer-technological problem touches to a great extent). This problem needs the detailed study of positive oversea experience in the sphere of the open education systems creation, carrying out the researches, directed on its decision, realization of the proper psychological-pedagogical experiments for confirmation of the pulled out scientific hypotheses and providing the substantiation of scientific results introduction into practice of the open educational systems. Obviously, the necessity of decision of this problem predetermines the appearance of so-called electronic pedagogy (e-pedagogy), which, leaning against the achieving classic psychological- pedagogical science, develops the specific tasks of ICT creation and their effective introduction into educational practice, in particular the open education pedagogy task.
Study of the open education systems, foremost, is related to the exposure and a/vareness of substantial signs of such phenomena as open education, which methods it is built after. This study must foresee, in particular, an open education objects and processes design, research and clarification of its models.
The considerable vagueness of many education objects and processes models predetermines the conducting of simulations experiments which are carried out in the environment of the proper simulations systems. Facilities and technologies of these systems allow to promote an efficiency of experiment realization with models substantially, to provide automation of collection and processing the experimental information and on this basis to build the adequate models of objects and processes of the open education. The education development in Ukraine gives the possibility not only to take into account the world tendencies of open educational systems functioning but also will open the ways for subsequent improvement of the open education, foremost, in the way of upgrading education, getting an equal access to educational services for all. It provides an adequate development of the training system, retraining and in-plant training for pedagogical stuff in different types of educational establishments.
Creation of the open education national system is a national project of education development foresees the proper innovative activity. Modern approach and powerful instrument of innovative activity management is a project approach. The Ukrainian scientific school has developed the methodology of project approach on the projects management laid the scientific foundation for the management projects national system and programs, created the scientifically methodical and organizationally educational conditions for training, retraining and on projects management for national economy, provided an effective and high-quality training and realization of many projects and programs of socio-economic development of Ukraine, in particular in the sphere of education. So, the application of projects management methods and facilities at the preparation and realization of the National Program „Information and communication technologies in education and science” and National Complex Program „Providing the general, professional-technique and higher educational establishments by modern hardware means of education from science mathematical and technological disciplines”, which are in a great deal directed on creation of the open education system in Ukraine, allowed to form the necessary instrumental providing the education development management of important programs system, and became the mortgage of their effective stage- by-stage realization.
In this book the author did not put for a purpose to carry out the design of processes of studies after concrete objects and cycles of disciplines, to offer and analyze the maintenance of education and pedagogical technologies in the certain pedagogical systems which is the subject for special consideration and a lot of other works are devoted to. In the book the bases of modeling theory of the opened education organizational systems are expounded at those its levels from the systems position, which do not depend on maintenance of concrete educational subject and pedagogical technologies which are used. The models of the organizational systems of open education are designed; the features of their structure, planning, realization and introduction at different organizational levels of the system of education are analyzed on the basis of analysis of modern approaches and instruments of development of education system and certain theoretical-methodological instrument of system description and research of the organizational systems. As well as the model s of the systems of experimental research of objects and processes are also examined in education, results over of application of such systems are brought and analyzed at experimental research of the offered models and the possible ways of these results use in educational practice.
I n the First Part the author proves the actuality of rising and timeliness of research of open education problems; factors and instruments of its development are examined. As such factors the processes of integration, democratization and informatization of education are selected; the open education is examined as an instrument for providing the modern educational paradigm; distance education - as an instrument of practical realization of open education principles; informatization of education - as instruments for open education technological platform forming; increase of level of education management - as an instrument of its effective functioning and development in society; project approach - as an instrument of innovative development management by the education system, in particular, open.
The Second Part considers the theoretical-methodological instrument of system description and the organizational systems research. In particular, the base terms and concepts which form the concept-terminology instrument of subsequent consideration are pointed; the types of models are determined, approaches to forming and description of the models and tasks systems, which serve as the base of construction of models and tasks, considered in next sections are proposed.
The Third Part is devoted to consideration of questions of education system and its constituents design, as the proper organizational systems, determination of those their substantial objects and intercommunications which substantially influence on character of educational process, the educational results of educational activity. The models of education system, educational environment, and the pedagogical and methodical systems, systems of means of education modals are constructed; the model of solving system is designed.
Education management model is considered in the Fourth Part. In particular, the features of model presentation of education planning and management processes are analyzed; composition and structure of the system of models of the planned block of the Central complex of tasks of management development of the system of education is determined, at its different organizational levels; the models of macro function of planning and management development of education are designed at state level of management; approaches in relation to development of structure of the computer systems of processing of the statistical accounting for providing of management the education system are proposed.
The Fifth Part is devoted to consideration of automation of scientific researches systems; results over of experimental researches of the offered models are presented. In particular, the classification of scientific experiments is given, the features of their application at research of objects and processes in the system of education and their models are examined; factors which cause inadequacy of simulations experiments are selected; the models of the simulations systems are designed as the instrument of research of models and automation of experimental scientific researches; results of the researches with the help of simulation systems of the built model s are presented.
It must be confidently to assert that introduction the open education principles into the national system of education will ensure a high authority of Ukrainian science and education in the world, will create the new educational terms for modern “staff capital” of Ukraine forming, and on this basis will allow to bring into action a new, yet not its potential progressive development, will be instrumental in purposeful and sure advancement of Ukraine to the developed countries of Europe and world.
The author realizes that spectrum of problems and questions, which are related to research of the open education, its introduction into the educational practice is not limited by the material given in this work. Many scientists and educators both in Ukraine and abroad are working under this theme. This work is only the author’s attempt to present the achievements on working out open education modern theoretical-methodological and methodological problems. The author hopes that the material will assist the development of national system of education. He will be grateful for all wishes and proposals which he wi11 consider to develop and improve the book.

  1. Modern factors of ukrainian education system development
Influence of integration, democratization and informatization society processes on the development and forming of education systems aims in European countries as well as in Ukraine is analyzed in the paper. It is considered the development of Ukrainian education system in direction of European integration, Bologna process, integration to the European education systems. Such modern phenomena as unified educational space, global educational space and open educational environment of education systems as well as the key role of information and communication technologies playing a great role in these processes have been determined and analyzed.

  1. Theoretical and methodological basis of modeling educational environment of pedagogical systems of open education
Positions which creation of educational environment must be based on for effective modern educational systems are analyzed in the article.

  1. Modeling conception of probed systems functioning
Determinations of the terms such as methods, mechanisms and technologies of the systems functioning are offered, their interdependence and interconditionality is described from positions of the systems and task approaches. On these bases the models of probed system functioning as some task system, in which are reflected both the features of modeling conception as forming and decisive parts of tasks (task approach) and the specific of presentation of functional providing subsystems (systems approach) are offered.

  1. Innovative development of company and modern network technologies of systems of the opened education
In the article basic socio-economic operating conditions and development of the system of education are certain, and also the character of its dynamics is exposed. The model of competition environment at the market of educational services and labour is projected. Essence of modern network technologies of the systems of the opened education is found out, basic their indexes and criteria are given.

  1. Ongoing Education in Single Informational Education Area

Approaches and tools of modern educational paradigm realization that provides equal access to qualitative education for all those who must learn, who has the desire and need for lifelong learning and who has possibilities for that have been studied. The role that single information space education and global educational space plays in this process has been analyzed. Approaches to the appropriate from the pedagogical point of view calculation of the influence of information resources of these spaces in the construction and use of modern systems of training and education have been offered.

  1. Modern tasks of informatization of education
In the article it is emphasized the importance of informatization of education (IE) both for the system of education of Ukraine and for innovative development of society on the whole. The determination and retrospective view of development of this process, factors which efficiency of IE depends on are presented. It is examined the process of computerization of education, which is a part of IE as well as the importance of introduction the methods and means of information and communication technologies (ICT) into the system of education and creation on this basis computer-oriented informative-communication environment. The basic constituents of educational process, which are influenced by ICT introduction and also modern aims of informatization of education are determined.

  1. Market-based instruments of innovation development of vocational education
The article highlights the basic principles of modern education system development. The conditions under which the education system (ES) operates using market instruments of innovation development of vocational education are analyzed. It is characterized the paradigm of socio-economic efficiency of the operation and development of the education system. Peculiarities of the education system as a subject of market relations are defined as well as it is presented the model of the competitive environment at the educational services and labor market (ESLM).

  1. Conceptual model of training skilled workers for high-tech industries
The three-stages conceptual learning model of highly skilled workers for highly technological manufactures is offered. The model considers necessity of realisation of a paradigm socially-economic effectiveness of education system and displays process of formation of modern competitive personnel which provides continuity of professionally growth of workers and deepening of integration educational and technological processes.

  1. Informational support of interdisciplinary approach in the general secondary education
The article deals with the place and the role of information and communication technologies in the interdisciplinary approach fulfillment in the system of secondary education. The ICT forms and tools application in the process of school learning subjects and content areas are revealed. The problems and obstacles are discovered by teachers in particular through interdisciplinary approach realization. The programming products are described such as those proposed by ІВМ, Microsoft, Google corporations which ensure support of learning process and promote the professional teacher development.

  1.  Innovative models of education and training of skilled personnel for high tech industries in Ukraine

The problems of development of innovative learning environment of continuous education and training of skilled personnel for high-tech industry are described. Aspects of organization of ICT based learning environment of vocational and technical school on the basis of cloud computing and outsourcing are revealed. The three-stage conceptual model for perspective education and training of workers for high-tech industries is proposed. The model of cloud-based solution for design of learning environment for vocational education and training of skilled workers is introduced.

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